Content validity — In psychometrics, content validity (also known as logical validity) refers to the extent to which a measure represents all facets of a given social construct. For example, a depression scale may lack content validity if it only assesses the… … Wikipedia
content validity — turinio pagrįstumas statusas T sritis biomedicinos mokslai atitikmenys: angl. content validity ryšiai: platesnis terminas – matavimo pagrįstumas šaltinis Pagrindinės epidemiologijos sąvokos : mokomasis žodynas / Kauno medicinos universitetas ;… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
content validity — verification that the method of measurement actually measures what it is expected to measure, covering all areas under investigation reasonably and thoroughly … Medical dictionary
Content Validity — ⇡ Validität … Lexikon der Economics
Validity (statistics) — In psychology, validity has two distinct fields of application. The first involves test validity, a concept that has evolved with the field of psychometrics but which textbooks still commonly gloss over in explaining that it is the degree to… … Wikipedia
Content analysis — or textual analysis is a methodology in the social sciences for studying the content of communication. Earl Babbie defines it as the study of recorded human communications, such as books, websites, paintings and laws. According to Dr. Farooq… … Wikipedia
validity — An index of how well a test or procedure in fact measures what it purports to measure; an objective index by which to describe how valid a test or procedure is. concurrent v. an index of criterion related v. used to predict performance in a real… … Medical dictionary
External validity — is the validity of generalized (causal) inferences in scientific studies, usually based on experiments as experimental validity. [ Mitchell, M. Jolley, J. (2001). Research Design Explained (4th Ed) New York:Harcourt.] Inferences about cause… … Wikipedia
Internal validity — is the validity of (causal) inferences in scientific studies, usually based on experiments as experimental validity [ Mitchell, M. and Jolley, J. (2001). Research Design Explained (4th Ed) New York:Harcourt.] . Details Inferences are said to… … Wikipedia
Ecological validity — is a form of validity in a research study. For a research study to possess ecological validity, the methods, materials and setting of the study must approximate the real life situation that is under investigation.Brewer, M. (2000). Research… … Wikipedia
Criterion validity — A valid measure actually measures what it says it will measure. To define a measure as valid, one can assess different types of validity. The type of validity of measurement assessed depends on what the researcher wants to know. Criterion… … Wikipedia